GA Expands its Voter Leave Law

Effective July 1, 2023, Georgia’s voting leave law—which applies to employers of all sizes—will be expanded to allow employees to take time off to vote on the day of an election or on any in-person early voting day.

The New Legislation States:

  • Employers will now be required to provide voting leave regardless of an employee’s work schedule. (Previously, employers only had to provide leave if an employee didn’t have two hours to vote before or after work while the polls were open.)
  • Time off to vote can be limited to two hours and be unpaid, though exempt employees can’t have their pay reduced for the absence. Voting leave must be made available for any municipal, county, state, or federal election, including primaries.

What Employers Need To DO?

  • Update your voting leave policy and ensure that managers are made aware of the change and are providing appropriate time off to vote.

If you have questions please contact your Genesys Health team or email us at

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